What Can Steel Toe Work Boots Do to Your Feet
Built mainly for the purpose of protection, a steel-toe boot is a heavy-duty shoe which gives the user safety from falling objects and it usually has a mid-sole plate against the punctures from below. Known also as a safety boot, steel-capped boot or safety shoe, it is practically made from steel however others can be from a composite material, plastic or even aluminum. It serves its usage more and it is a must have to people in industrial environments like construction and production among others.
However, amid the good purpose of steel-toe boot, it was allegedly seen as harmful to its users. It is said that a steel-toe boot can cause severe medical conditions. What then does steel-toe boot do to your feet? Does it protect like they’re supposed to or does it really dangerous? Here’s a point by point view.
Many believers say that steel-toe boots can amputate your toe when weight is put on them. The shoes are composed of metals which can curl inward and cut your toes. Painful as it seems, it may be possible that this kind of scenario happen especially when it is the thing falling is really heavy with the impact and all. To prove that steel-toe boots cannot amputate toes, various tests are conducted to see if this is just a myth or it is true, but the experiments show that it is the former. They tried to drop heavy things on a steel-toe boots, varying from weight and impact, but these experiments only prove that steel-toe boots does not amputate the toes; it is only a myth that it can. It is better to wear steel-toe boots than regular boots because it can protect your feet more.
It must also be considered that steel toe work boots are guided by strict safety criteria which show the protection level each shoe provides. Thus, the shoes are guaranteed to be strong enough to withstand shock from heavy falling objects.
Steel toe boots will hold up easily heavy things even with impact. Moreover, steel-toe shoes can have a hundred pounds, this might only break the user’s toes but it will not crush nor even amputate the said toes. Even were weights of more than 500 to a thousand pounds were tested the toe would slowly crush and buckle, but it never amputated the wearer’s toes as the urban legend suggested.
A person who wishes to find steel-toe boots for himself must see to it that he finds the best and suitable boots for him. Steel-toe boots can vary from breathable sneaker steel-toe boot for summer or insulated steel-toe boots for winter. There are also steel-toe boots that can be fashionable but has same qualities. Such qualifications should be considered first when choosing the best work boots which can protect your feet.
It is comfort and safety which rules before anything else. Proven in tests that steel-toe boots are really protective in nature, steel-toe boots does not harm and can surely defend your feet against painful circumstances.