A Smart Watch to Get Excited About

There’s a very exciting new wearable gadget on the marketplace, and it has a lot of exciting features to discuss. The Intel’s Basis Peak is a typical smartwatch and it surely has a many smart attributes integrated, like 24 hour health monitoring and “habit based” mentoring solutions. And it has even smarter attributes to discuss.

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Health and well-being brand Basis is not unique to the market but the Peak is said to be its first real market game-changer. The waterproof gadget automatically monitors many the crucial factors you do, like sleeping, hiking, running, and biking. Special lights on the back of the casing can track your heart rate and also tell how much you’re perspiring! Is it weird? …yes we know 

The Peak quickly connects with your smartphone and syncs with a variety of different fitness, health, and weight loss apps. It’ll tell you when you get a call, text, email, etc. You can set to-do list more easily than ever. Future apps roll-outs are expected to make it even more convenient, with more communicating functionality.

The basis is great and relatively chunky, but it seems really good in our opinion. Some experts say the Basis Peak is the best health tracker at present on the market until now. We’ll have to wait and see if those forecasts are right. Stay tuned with us for upcoming best smart watch reviews and more soon!


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